Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comparing The 1984 Super Bowl Ad - 1738 Words

Just as youth matures, and a bright passionate flame begins to fade into adulthood, companies expand and grow to a point in which the founder’s purpose of the company may become diluted to a point where it simply isn t able to be felt. My intended purpose of this paper stems from questioning this very concept through the method of analysis of rhetoric used. my choice on example was chosen on the basis of using a company nearly everyone knows, a company founded most certainly on a purpose, one of being â€Å"different.† my test to find if this spirit of the founder is still present is to compare two ads from Apple: one from the very beginning, â€Å"the 1984 Super bowl Ad† as well as one from modern day with, â€Å"Broken Promises† coming from the year 2009. Both ads were chosen on the basis of time being the only variable in which was changed as both ads are presented through the same medium, as well as representing the same product, Apple’s Macinto sh. Ad one, â€Å"Broken Promises† was a television ad from 2009, which was launched on October ninth, 2009 the same day as Windows seven was released. This ad was set with a totally white backdrop with two men standing in the frame. On the left we see the persona depicting, as well as referred to as â€Å"Windows,† a relatively shorter man who is dressed up, and in standard business attire. Even though this man is dressed up his purpose is intended to come off as bland and corporate like. While on the right we see â€Å"Mac,† another man who is moreShow MoreRelatedThe Super Bowl Advertisement For 2015915 Words   |  4 PagesWith better than 100 million people tuning in, the Super Bowl is the prevalent sporting event in America every year. This game decides the winning NFL team of the season and dedicated sports fans treat this championship game like a holiday; however, greater amounts of people are watching the Super Bowl for the advertisements, not the actual ga me. 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